뉴진스의 하니가 라이브 방송에서 불렀던 곡, <pocket locket>은 달콤하고 사랑스러운 멜로디 속에 단호한 면모가 숨겨져 있다. ‘상대를 사랑하기에 이것저것 재지 않고 표현하는 자신의 사랑을 약점이라고 생각하지 않는다’고 노래하는 가사가 바로 그것이다. 근거 있는 자신감을 스스럼없이 드러내며, ‘을’의 연애를 거부하는 곡의 주인공은 알레이나 카스티요다.
그녀의 음악은 그녀가 자존감, 인간관계, 사랑, 삶을 탐구하며 깨달은 것들을 모은 산물이다. 세상을 아름답게 바라보지만, 그보다 더 소중한 마음을 담아 본인을 바라볼 줄 아는, 알레이나 카스티요를 소개한다.
안녕하세요, 롤링스톤 코리아! 알레이나입니다. 초대해주셔서 정말 감사해요. 저에 대해 알려드리자면 24살이고, 텍사스 휴스턴에서 자랐어요. 2017년부터 유튜브에 커버 영상을 올렸고, 2년 후에는 LA로 이사와서 음악을 만들었습니다. 지금까지도요.
2. [RSK] 인터뷰를시작하기에앞서오늘의 TMI를해주신다면?
오늘의 TMI라! 이 질문 좋네요. 시차는 확실히 느껴지는데요, 며칠만 머무를 예정이라 지금이 꿈같아요. 최대한 즐기다가 마지막 날에는 맛집, 카페, 빵집에 들러서 많이 먹을 계획이에요. 한국을 좋아하는 많은 이유 중 하나가 바로 음식이거든요. 페스티벌이 끝난 후도 정말 기대되네요.
3. [RSK] 서울재즈페스티벌로첫내한한소감은어때요?
한국에 간다는 소식을 듣고 정말 기뻤어요. 아시아를 여행하는 게 제 버킷리스트 중 하나였어요. 문화, 자연, 음식, 사람들에서 영감을 많이 받았거든요. 음악을 시작한 후 일어났던 모든 일들이 오늘날 저를 여기까지 오게 했다는 사실이 신기해요. 꿈 같네요. 요즘 저는 주어진 모든 걸 즐기고 흡수하는 시기인 것 같아요.
페스티벌에서 공연하게 될 장소도 궁금했고, 제가 만나게 될 많은 사람들과 음식에 대한 기대도 컸어요. 이밖에도 길거리와 시장, 그리고 아기자기한 상점 구경하고 음반 가게에 들르는 것도 재밌을 것 같아요. 저는 한국 음악들에 영향을 받은 것 같거든요. 물론 그냥 걸어다니는 것도 좋아요. 자연과 다양한 장소를 구경하는 게 재밌거든요.
최근 한국 스킨케어에 입문했어요. 저는 중학교 때부터 여드름으로 고생했고 얼굴을 고치기 위해 온갖 스킨케어와 세럼, 마스크, 산성 화장품을 찾아다녔어요. 그러다가 한국식 스킨케어를 알게 되면서 피부 수분 및 장벽 관리가 중요하다는 것을 알게 되었어요. 생각하지 못했던 부분이었죠. 지금은 마스크, 아이 케어, 오버나이트 케어를 열심히 해요. 한국 스킨케어는 선택의 폭이 넓고, 자연적인 제품이 많아서 좋아요.
예전에 하니의 플레이리스트에서 <pocket locket>가 1위 언저리에 있는 걸 보고 ‘미쳤다. 말도 안 돼’ 싶었어요. 그로부터 1년 후 하니는 라이브 방송에서 <pocket locket>을 불렀죠. 내 노래를 계속 좋아해주고 있었다는 걸 생각하니 정말 놀라웠어요. 몇 달이 지난 어느 날 아침, 프로듀서가 전화로 <pocket locket>이 한국 차트에서 1위를 했다고 알려줬어요. “농담이죠?”라고 대답했던 기억이 나네요. 믿기 어려웠거든요. 바이럴 된 후 사람들이 제 노래에 맞추어 춤을 추고 노래를 불렀어요.
저는 이 곡에 대한 애정이 커요. <pocket locket>은 자기 자신을 사랑하고, 타인들도 그들 스스로의 가치를 알아주길 바라는 내용이에요. 자신감이 넘치는 노래죠. <pocket locket>을 들어주고 사랑해준 하니에게 정말 고마워요.
7. [RSK] 이노래는언제어떻게만들어진곡인가요?
<pocket locket>은 코로나 바이러스가 터지기 전인 2020년쯤, LA로 막 이사 온 시기에 만든 곡이에요. EP [parallel universe pt. 1]의 수록곡이었죠. 곡을 쓰던 날이 기억나요. 밤이었고 저는 친구와 함께 스튜디오에 있었어요. 강아지도 있었고, 귀여운 분위기였는데요. 어쩌다가 인트로를 연주하기 시작했는데 마음에 쏙 들었어요. 가사를 쓰기 시작하니 자존감과 인생, 관계에 대한 내용이 나왔어요. 끝나고는 프로듀서의 차를 타고서 녹음한 걸 들었는데, 정말 좋았어요. 당시 저는 내가 진정으로 사랑하는 음악을 만들겠다고 다짐했었는데, 이 곡이 그 시작이 되어준 거죠. 또한 제가 처음 시도해보던 R&B 사운드였어요. 이 곡이 특별하다고 느꼈는데, 정확히 무엇인지는 몰랐죠!
몇 년 전에 발매한 [Voice Notes] EP에 <just a boy>이라는 수록곡이 있어요. 그때도 지금과 비슷한 일이 일어났어요. 방탄소년단의 뷔가 라이브에서 <just a boy>를 불렀어요. 정말이지 폭발적인 반응을 얻었어요. 그때는 코로나 때문에 한국에 직접 가서 팬분들을 만나지는 못했지만, 제가 약하다고 생각했던 어쿠스틱 R&B 장르의 곡에서 받은 관심이기에 그 사랑이 개인적으로 의미가 컸습니다. 제 [fantasies] EP에 수록된 <fantasies> 도 추천하고 싶은데, 이 곡은 명랑한 러브송이에요. 춤과 슬픈 분위기가 섞인 곡이죠. 마지막으로는 <call me when you’re lonely>도 추천드려요. 대학 1학년 때 제 방에서 만들었는데, LA로 이사 와서 프로듀서에게 보여줬더니 “이걸로 뭔가 해봐야겠다”고 하더군요. 제 자신을 믿고 제 스스로 음악을 만들게 된 순간이었어요.
어렸을 때는 음악적 영감이 별로 없었어요. 음악이 탈출구였죠. 제가 좋아하는 모든 음악들이 혼합되어 이미지와 창작의 원천이 되었어요. 그런 장르들이 한데 섞여 제 이야기가 되었습니다. 저는 좋아하는 것을 찾으면 그걸 직접 제 삶과 연결 짓는 편이에요. 다양한 소스를 혼합하고, 정해진 틀에 얽매이지 않죠. 저는 휴스턴에서 자라며 R&B의 영향을 많이 받았어요. 어릴 때는 어셔(Usher), Neyo, 제레미(Jeremih), 리한나(Rihanna), 제네 아이코(Jhené Aiko), 알리나 바라즈(Alina Baraz) 등의 음악을 듣기 시작하면서 취향을 알아갔어요. 다양한 장르를 섭렵한 후 이를 제 음반에 녹여내면서 많은 것을 시도해 볼 수 있었어요. 기본적으로 제 삶의 다른 모습들은 주로 안정적이었지만, 음악에서만큼은 실험적이었어요. 그 결과 지금 제가 원하는 사운드인 인디 R&B로 이어진 것 같아 뿌듯하네요.
10. [RSK] 알레이나카스티요의음악에영감을준아티스트는어떤분들인가요?
리한나인 것 같아요. 어렸을 때 정말 많이 들었거든요. 그 당시 리한나는 모든 것을 해내고 있었고 저는 엄청난 존경을 느꼈어요. 그리고 제네 아이코(Jhené Aiko), 팅크, 티나시, 알리나 바라즈도 있어요. 또한 사브리나 클라우디오(Sabrina Claudio)의 음악도 좋아해요. 이들 모두가 제가 음악을 쓰고, 노래하고, 느끼는 방식에 영감을 주었어요.
스페인어를 사용하는 아버지 밑에서 자라며 항상 배워보고 싶었어요. 그래서 다양한 언어에 관심을 두려고 노력했어요. 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 크로아티아어처럼요. 스페인어도 그중 하나죠. 스페인어를 음악에 섞기 시작했을 때 제가 말하는 것을 더 많이 표현할 수 있는 새로운 문이 열렸던 것 같아요. 모국어가 아니라서 어떤 부분들에서는 약간 분리되어 있다고 느꼈고 지금도 그렇습니다. 하지만 이전에는 드러내지 않았거나 드러나지 않았던 부분을 고칠 수 있었고, 음악에서 그런 취약한 면을 갖는 것은 음악 외에는 불편함을 느낄 수 있지만 음악에서는 여기서 하지 않으면 다른 곳에서도 하지 않을 것이기 때문에 필수적이라고 느꼈어요. 그래서 그 부분에 대한 자신감이 생겼죠.
어렸을 때는 저를 우선으로 생각하지 않을 때도 있었는데요. 요즘에는 이 방법을 깨우치고 있어요. 최근에는 제가 자연을 좋아하고 해변에 나가서 밤에 별을 보고, 아무도 없는 숲 한가운데서 하이킹을 하는 것을 좋아한다는 사실을 알게 됐어요. 음악을 들을 때 떠오르는 심상을 그림으로 그리는 것을 좋아해요. 독서, 베이킹, 정원 가꾸기도 좋아하고요. 음악을 작곡하고 새로운 것에서 계속 영감을 받는 건 과거의 트라우마와 아픔을 치유하는 데 도움이 될 뿐만 아니라 음악 작업에도 좋은 영향을 끼쳐요. 슬프고 우울하지만 낙관적이고 향수를 불러일으키는 음악을 만들 수 있죠. 저는 그리움이라는 감정을 아껴요. 결국 우리가 가진 것은 추억과 현재뿐이니까요. 밖에 나가서 창의력을 발휘하면서 그런 작은 부분을 찾는 것을 좋아합니다.
어렸을 때는 옷을 통해 저를 표현할 기회가 많지 않았어요. 생각만 하던 아이디어가 많았죠. 직접 옷을 고르기 시작하면서 머릿속에 있던 생각을 표현하기 시작했어요. 가끔 작가들의 슬럼프(Writer’s block)처럼 어떤 옷을 입어도 마음에 들지 않을 때가 있어요. 옷장은 꽉 차 있는데 옷이 하나도 없을 때가 있잖아요? 머릿속에 있는 창의적인 아이디어와 맞지 않기 때문이죠. 하지만 있는 옷의 일부를 사용하거나, 레이스 소재나 끈이 있는 소재를 가져오고, 기존의 옷들을 한데 모아 섞을 수 있다는 것을 깨달으면 꽤나 재미있어져요. 나만의 작은 심즈 캐릭터나 캔버스 같은 거죠. 그리고 패션은 핀터레스트처럼 제 머릿속에 있는 무드보드에 맞춰서 입으면 훨씬 더 재미있어진다고 생각해요. 예전에는 어두운 스타일의 옷을 주로 입었지만, 최근에는 판타지, 향수, 우울한 느낌을 주는 코티지풍의 자연에서 영감을 받은 플로럴 소재를 더 많이 시도하고 있어요. 그날그날 입고 싶은 대로 고르는 편이죠.
다음으로는 R&B를 생각하고 있어요. 들었을 때 달콤하면서도 향수를 불러일으키는 음악을 만들고 싶어요. 올해 나올 싱글이 몇 개 있는데, <just a boy>나 <i don’t think i love you anymore> 같은 곡으로 돌아가서 <pocket locket>의 자신감으로 제 이야기를 쓰려고 합니다. R&B에 인디 사운드와 반투명 기타를 섞는 등 여러 방법들을 새롭게 시도하려고요. 올해에는 그런 싱글이 많이 나올 예정이니 기대해 주세요.
초대해 주셔서 감사해요. 정말 즐거웠어요. 올해 새 음악을 들려드리게 되어 정말 기뻐요. 인스타그램, 유튜브 등 제 소셜 미디어에서 계속 지켜봐 주세요. 신곡이 나오면 어떻게 생각하는지도 알려주세요. 감사합니다. 좋은 하루 되세요!
Photographs by 프로젝트 아스테리 코리아(Project Asteri Korea)
Alaina Castillo, whose song NewJeans Hanni is obsessed with
The song "pocket locket," sung by Newjeans Hanni in a live broadcast, has a sweet and loving melody with a determined side. 'I love him very much but I don't think it's a weakness to express my love without measuring things,' she sings. The song's protagonist, who exudes a well-founded confidence and refuses to be a weak person in a relationship, is Alaina Castillo.
Her music is the culmination of her exploration of self-esteem, relationships, love, and life. Introducing Alaina Castillo, a woman who sees the world beautifully, but more importantly, knows how to cares for herself.
1. [RSK] Hi Alaina! Nice to meet you, and I'd like to start by asking you to introduce yourself to our Rolling Stone Korea subscribers.
Hey what’s up Rolling Stone Korea, it’s Alaina. Thank you so much for having me. A little bit about myself. I am 24, I grew up in Houston Texas. I started making covers on YouTube in 2017 and then about 2 years later I moved out to LA and started making my own music. And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since then.
2. [RSK] Before we get into the interview, can you give us a TMI of the day?
A TMI of the day! I love this question. I definitely feel the jet lag but it’s only making me more delusional because I am only here for a few days. I’m having as much fun as possible but on the last day I plan on eating so much, going to every food stop, cafe, bakery, and eating. There’s a lot of things I like about South Korea but one of the things is the food. So I am so excited to do that after the festival.
3. [RSK] How did you feel about your first trip to the Seoul Jazz Festival?
I was so excited when I first heard that I was coming to Korea because I’ve always wanted to travel to Asia. This being the first place is just a bucket list goal of mine. The culture, the nature, the food, the people, I’ve always been so inspired by them. I started all of this in 2017 and to see that this is where it’s led me is just an insane trip. I think I am in the spot of my life where I just want to enjoy it all and take it all in, because I am literally living my dreams.
4. [RSK] I'm curious if there's anything in particular you'd like to do or visit while you're in Seoul, or if there's anything you're looking forward to.
I was super super excited to see where I was performing in the festival and all the people and try all the different food places there and talk to a lot of people. But then, besides that I really want to go onto the streets, markets, all the cute stores. And also music stores to see what the music scene is like over here, because I do feel kind of influenced by it. And then walking around. I love being in nature and seeing how it varies in different places.
5. [RSK] I saw a photo of a Korean mask on your Instagram the other day, and I was wondering if you use masks on a regular basis and how you got into them.
I recently got into Korean skin care. I’ve been a huge skin care person since I was in middle school, because I’ve always struggled with acne. I did find the resolution to that but when I found Korean skin care I started noticing that a lot of it is just caring for the moisture and the barriers on your skin. And that was something I hadn’t thought about. And now I’m obsessed with the masks, eye care, and the overnight things. Korean skin care is a beautiful place to start because they offer so many options. They all seem to be very natural and organic.
6. [RSK] Alaina became known in Korea through K-pop stars. “Pocket Locket'' went viral through Newjeans's Hanni, and in March 2024, it hit number one on the Spotify Viral Chart 50. How did you feel at the time?
I remember when I first saw the picture of Hanni’s playlist and she had written it down and I think “pocket locket” was close to the top. I was like “This is unreal, this is crazy.'' But it is what it is. About a year later she listened to it on her live stream and I felt super blessed. I was enjoying the moment, something that never ever happens. A few months after that it started building and building, and one morning my producer told me that “pocket locket” is number one on a liable chart in South Korea. I said “You have got to be kidding me. I cannot believe this.” Then there was a whirlwind of love and excitement and people dancing and singing to my song.
I had always loved “pocket locket” when I first released it. It’s a confident song about loving yourself and wanting other people to realize you know your worth. I am so thankful to Hanni for listening to my music and loving it the way she did.
7. [RSK] When and how was the song “pocket Locket” created?
“pocket locket” was created in 2020-ish when I had just moved out to LA before corona virus hit. It was part of the EP “parallel universe pt. 1”. I remember making the song, it was late at night, my friend was in the studio. We had a dog in the studio as well, it had very cute vibes, and we started playing the intro for it and I was in love with it right from the start. And writing the lyrics, it became the song about confidence and loving yourself and wanting other people to treat you with that same respect, and relationships in life, all of the above. Also I remember when we finished recording it we drove around and listened to it in my producer’s car and we were in love with it, because for me this song and this EP marked the beginning of me creating music for myself and music that I genuinely really really loved. It was also a new era in the R&B sounds that I was making, so I felt that it was for me, and this was the start of something special, and little did I know!
8. [RSK] For those who discovered Alaina Castillo through “Pocket Locket”, what other songs of hers would you recommend?
For those who discovered me through pocket locket: a few years back when I had just released my “voice notes EP” I had a song in there called “just a boy” and a similar thing happened. V from BTS found “just a boy”, listened to it on his live stream and it absolutely blew up but because it was Covid, I wasn’t able to travel to South Korea to see everybody who’s listening to it. But he showed so much love to that song and that is something that I’m forever grateful for because that song was an acoustic R&B and very vulnerable to me so it meant a lot that he played it and many people saw it, and liked it as well. So I would suggest that song. I’d also suggest “fantasies” from my “fantasies EP” and that one is a very hyped, exciting sort of love song. It’s kind of mixing dance with a sad little vibe. And “call me when you’re lonely”. I love “call me when you’re lonely”. I made her in my room in college, my first year, and only year in college, and then when I moved out to LA I showed my producer and he was like, “We have to do something with this.” So it was just a very full circle moment of me believing in myself and making music on my own.
9. [RSK] Moving on to your music, you have a unique style that blends pop, alternative, R&B, and Latin music. What inspired you to form this style?
I think for me and my music coming from someone who didn’t really have a lot of musical inspiration growing up, and music was my escape so it was whatever I could listen to that I liked became the images in my head and the creative inspiration. It did take a minute to find the sound that I really enjoyed making in the studio. But from all the genres that I have, mixed together, is the story of my life. Finding things that I like and bringing them all into play with what I do because I never settle for one thing. I mix in all my inspirations and I don’t stick to the book of what it’s supposed to be. I make it along the way. Growing up in Houston I definitely have had a heavy R&B influence with the music that I listen to. I grew up in a very Christian household so I didn’t have a lot of that growing up but I soon started listening to Usher, Neyo, Jeremih, Rihanna, Jhené Aiko, and Alina Baraz, and I found the music that I really enjoyed. It’s the R&B sound and it did take a minute to find that but I think going through all of those genres then mixing them into my discography really allowed me to experiment and try things and music seems to be the only thing that I’ve experimented with in that way because I’ve been safe in every other area of my life but when it comes to music I feel like I am a vessel for the creative process and trying new things and that led me to the sound that I want to have now which is indie R&B and I’m so excited for that.
10. [RSK] And also, who are some of the artists that inspire Alaina Castillo's music?
I think my musical inspirations would probably have to be Rihanna. I listened to her so much when I was younger and growing up. She was doing everything at that point and I was in awe. There’s definitely Jhené Aiko. I would sing her songs like it was nobody’s business, relating to her lyrics when I was in middle school. There’s Tink, Tinashe, Alina Baraz, her style is very relaxing but also almost like a trance and I love how sad it is but it’s also very confident. Sabrina Claudio is a beautiful artist and I love her music. These are some people I grew up listening to and inspired the way that I write, sing and feel my music.
11. [RSK] One of your trademarks is singing in a mix of English and Spanish. How do you think singing in so many different languages has influenced your music?
I like to experiment with my songs and growing up I was always fond of learning Spanish because my dad spoke it but he never taught it to us. So I became very interested in different languages and tried learning them. Like French, Italian, Croatian, Spanish being one of those. I had never mixed it into my music before so when I started it was a new door that allowed me to express even more with what I was saying and I think that allowed me to be more vulnerable in the music I make because Spanish wasn’t something I grew up speaking and I did feel a little separated from that side of me and I still do. But it allowed me to fix some areas of me that hadn’t been opened before or revealed and having that vulnerable side in music is essential because it would be something I would feel uncomfortable doing of music I would feel uncomfortable doing besides that but in music, it felt like this was what I was meant to do if I’m not going to do it here then I’m not going to do it anywhere else. So it helped with my confidence in that area.
12. [RSK] Although Alaina is new to Korea, you're actually quite well known in the U.S. and Latin America. In 2022, you made a successful debut on the Coachella stage, do you have any memorable stories from that time?
Playing at Coachella was definitely a dream come true because I had just seen and heard about it on social media and to actually get far enough in my music to where I was able to play there for both weekends. It was just insane to be in the same area with some of my favorite artists. I don’t think I even realized it in the moment because I was awestruck of everything that was happening but that was definitely a monumental thing in my career, as well as opening form Coldplay who is one of my favorite bands in my hometown Houston, Texas so I had somethings like pinch me! Wake me up! I don’t feel real right now and I don’t know I was able to play that but the fact that I was surrounded by so many people who believed in me and trusted me enough to do that was amazing.
13. [RSK] Tell us about any other artistic activities or interests you have outside of music, and how they influence your music creation.
My whole life has recently turned into something that I would be very proud of at the end of the day, because when I was younger I used to never think of myself or put myself first or think of what Alaina would want to do right now to be creative and I realized recently by doing creative things such as I love nature I love going outside at the beach, at night time looking at the stars, going on hikes in the middle of a forest where nobody is around you. I love painting strange things that come to mind whenever I’m listening to music. I love reading, baking and gardening. I think doing these creative things make me feel like I’m living a fantasy. It really helps with my music because I realized that in order to write music and to keep feeling inspired by new things will help me heal from past trauma and past pain. And that’s definitely helped with the music that I want to make now. Sad and melancholic but with a sense of optimism and nostalgia. I love creating feelings of nostalgia because at the end of the day that’s all we have, our memories and the present. I love how being outside and being creative helps me find those little areas.
14. [RSK] I also wanted to talk a little bit about your styling. Your usual style is really cool, with lace and flowy materials. It goes really well with your music. Do you have any styling tips?
I love clothes, but growing up I was very conservative and didn’t get to express myself through clothing so I think I had a lot of pent up ideas. When I started dressing myself and going out and buying things for myself became creating an idea that I had of myself in my head. There are times when I have, like a writer’s block, clothing block where I don’t feel good in anything and I don’t like anything that I have. You know when you have a full closet but I have no clothes? Because it doesn’t fit the idea that you have creatively in your head. But then whenever you realize you can take pieces from this and pieces from this, lacey material or stringy material or just mix it all together, it becomes fun. Your own little SIMS character, your own canvas of paint. And I think fashion turned into something that whenever I feel good with myself and creative and I have a nice outfit, it’s fitting to the moodboard that I have in my head around pinterest, it becomes so much more fun. In dress in a darker style, but recently I’ve been trying to add more cottage core, nature-inspired flowy material because it gives a fantasy, nostalgic, melancholic feel to it and I like to dress how I feel.
15. [RSK] Are there any new musical styles or genres you'd like to try in the future? Can you give us any hints about future projects?
The genre that I am feeling for the next era of music is R&B. I want it to be full of ear candy and like a trance and very nostalgic. I do have a few singles that will come out this year and I am so excited to get started on it because I think it’s going back to songs like “just a boy” and “i don’t think i love you anymore” with the feel of “pocket locket” confidence and going back to writing about my stories and being inspired by the music that I grew up listening to in Houston which is very R&B but I think now in this calm era that I’m in, I’d like to mix indie sounds and translucent guitars, and experimenting with a lot of things. I am very excited for that so stay tuned because this year we’re going to have a lot of singles like that.
16. [RSK] That's all for now, this was your first interview with Rolling Stone Korea, if you have any thoughts or comments you'd like to leave, please feel free to do so. Thank you!
Thank you for having me, this was so much fun. I am so excited to share my new music this year. Stay tuned on my socials, Instagram, YouTube, all of the above. Also, let me know what you think of the songs when they come out because I am very excited to share this new chapter. Thank you for having me and I am excited to keep walking around seeing everything and posting all these vlogs on my Instagram. Thank you and have a beautiful day.